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Here we facilitate a holistic approach to achieve our resident's optimal mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing.

Our mission at Therapeutic Assisted Living is to provide a safe haven for residents while advocating on their behalf. We encourage each individual to reach their full potential while maintaining their overall wellbeing through a holistic approach. We take pleasure in providing compassionate care to our residents and educating them on the importance of achieving autonomy. Therapeutic Assistant Living provides opportunities for residents to continue to thrive while enjoying client-centered activities. The foundational value that Therapeutic Assisted Living abides by is Love. Providing an environment where one can thrive through quality care, socialization, activity, and exercise. Honesty, integrity, and compassion is our business motto.  Here your more than just a residence, Our unique low census capacity allows us to operate as a family unit. Therapeutic Assisted Living is a place to call home.


About Us

Take Comfort in Knowing That Your Loved One Is Protected!

As your licensed Medical Professional and Administrator, I have over 20 years of experience in direct patient care through various settings. I began my career as a CNA. In that arena, I developed a passion for serving others. I furthered my education as a Physical Therapist Assistant where I obtain clinical judgment skills that allow me to advocate for my clients on a skilled level. I understand the importance of advocacy. Effectively communicating with the interdisciplinary team, knowing the appropriate questions to ask, observations, assessments, and interventions to initiate are vital elements to increase one's quality of life. In life, we journey through various phases as our bodies and minds transition. Over time, we adapt to these changes by modifying our decisions and level of care needs. The later years of life can be especially challenging, but Therapeutic Assisted Living is here to help. At Therapeutic Assisted Living, we listen to the needs of our residents in order to understand their limitations and discuss potential solutions. We work directly with the Doctors, Home Health Agencies, Resident's Families, and Hospice agencies to customize options that will help our seniors lead the lives they want. We offer both private and semi-private bright rooms with 24-hour supervision by our trained caregivers, and Certified Nursing Assistants under the direct supervision of the Administrator.

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Programs & Services

Engaging Opportunities for Socialization

Therapeutic Assisted Living provides a full spectrum of daily services in our ALF that helps everyone live a life full of dignity, purpose, and respect. Whether one of our residents requires Medication Monitoring or they’d like to sign up for gardening, we strive to provide many options so our community members feel well taken care of.


Medication Assist/ Monitoring

Health Is Wealth

We provide assistance with self-administered medication. Our staff has been certified to assist residents with their medication. Often times seniors have difficulty managing their medication independently. Therapeutic Assisted Living will properly store residents' medication and ensure that residents receive the accurate medication at the correct time, with the proper dose, through the correct route. Our trained staff will make observations and document any adverse reactions residents may experience.  Quality care is centered around maintaining open communication with doctors and reporting any changes in status or decline in function observed.

Nutritional and Dietary Counseling

Nourish Your Soul 

Therapeutic Assisted Living has partnered with a licensed Dietitian that organizes our four-week menu cycle. We ensure that our residents are receiving whole foods that enrich the body and provides adequate nutritional value. We adhere to the doctor's ordered recommended diets such as diabetic, cardiac, renal, and pureed diets.  Meals are the Resident's choice and we respect their autonomy in decision making. There will always be substitutes available upon residents' requests. Our residents are encouraged to give their input on menu items and have additional opportunities to voice their preferences during our Residents Council Meetings.  It's always our pleasure to serve!

Health Shake
Healing Hands

Assisted Living

Extra Support Services Provided

      It's Our Pleasure to Serve!

We provide our residents with assistance with whatever their specific  needs require. We offer hospice and Extended Congregate Care services that will allow residents to age in place. We customize Assisted Living services for all our residents by catering to their personal needs.  We are intentional in our efforts to provide a homelike atmosphere and ensure that everyone feels like they’re truly at home at Therapeutic Assisted Living. We provide assistance with transfers, feeding, toileting, bathing, dressing, medication management, and housekeeping services. We provide daily activities, laundry services, and menu planning by a licensed dietitian. Were contract with a house call Doctor, and pharmacy for our senior's convenience. We facilitate transportation services and offer Fall prevention training, therapy screening, and patient education on the proper use of an assistive device to ensure resident's safety.

Client-Centered Individual & Group Activities

Health Is Wealth 

Throughout the year, we offer our residents several activities to make sure there’s always something exciting to look forward to at Therapeutic Assisted Living. We create an environment that is conducive to boost morale and provide opportunities for socialization through Local Religious affiliation Groups, Bingo, Gardening, Appropriate Senior Exercises, Arts, & Crafts, and Karaoke is just a few examples of activities that we provide. It’s just one of the things that set our Assisted Living Facility apart from the rest. We’re passionate about providing opportunities for our residents to make new memories and friends while enjoying our services. We understand the importance of maintaining functional mobility that will allow our residents to stay strong and thrive during their golden years!

Senior Citizen Exercise Class

“…But the greatest of these is Love.”  1Cor 13:13


We Welcome Our Visitors!

Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp Visitation Policy


B) Resident Essential Caregiver Designation Form(Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp.)

FACILITY NAME: Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp.

SECTION: ____________________________

POLICY: In-Person Visitation Policy

EXHIBIT: A) Florida Law Chapter 2022-34 Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No.988

B) Resident Essential Caregiver Designation Form

C) Essential Caregiver Acceptance Form

Adoption Date: ____4/6/2022________________ ______________________________________________________________________________


In-Person Visitation bill has been signed into law, creating Chapter 408.823, which is subject “In-person visitation.” This policy and these and procedures are intended to serve as a sample for assisted living facilities to comply with the regulations set forth in Chapter 408.823, Florida Statutes. A resident may designate a visitor who is a family member, friend, guardian, or other individual as an essential caregiver.



The following are the procedures to be followed to identify Essential Caregivers for residents and the expectations. These procedures will be administered equally to all residents that request to have an essential caregiver, without regard to race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and transgender status), age, national origin, disability, or veteran status.

Essential caregiver visitors provide emotional support to help a resident deal with a difficult transition or loss, upsetting event, making major medical decisions, needs cueing to eat and drink, stops speaking, or end-of-life. Essential caregiver visitors may be allowed entry into facilities on a limited basis for these specific purposes. The provider must allow at a minimum in-person visitation for at least 2-hours daily under these circumstances. At Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp, the 2-hour visitation will be between 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp. may make exceptions to the 2-hour visitation on a case-by-case basis for end-of-life residents. These exceptions will be discussed and agreed upon in writing by the facility’s designee and the resident’s responsible party.



  1. For designation and utilization of essential caregiver visitors.

1Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp will provide the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) with a copy of the facility’s essential caregiver visitor’s policy and procedure, with the initial licensure application, renewal application and/or change of ownership application.

2. Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp essential caregiver visitor’s policy and procedure is available on homepage.

3. Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp will designate Latasha Rowell as key staff to support infection prevention and control training.

4. Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp will set a limit on the total number of visitors allowed in the facility at any given time based on the ability of staff to safely screen and monitor and the space to accommodate the essential caregiver visitors.


(Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp)

FACILITY NAME: Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp.

SECTION: ____________________________

POLICY: In-Person Visitation Policy

EXHIBIT: A) Florida Law Chapter 2022-34 Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No.988

B) Resident Essential Caregiver Designation Form

C) Essential Caregiver Acceptance Form

Adoption Date: ____4/6/2022________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

  1. Identify locations for visitation/care to occur planning for residents in shared spaces and facilities with minimal common space to identify maximum time availability.

  2. Provide outdoor visitation spaces that are protected from weather elements, such as porches, courtyards, patios, or other covered areas that are protected from heat and sun, with cooling devices, if needed.

  3. Create indoor visitation spaces for residents in a room that is not accessible by other residents or in a resident’s private room if the resident is bedbound and for health reasons cannot leave his or her room.

5. All residents and/or POA/Guardian if appropriate will be asked if they want to identify an Essential Caregiver.

6. All new residents will be asked if they would like to identify an Essential Caregiver upon move-in.

7. All residents will be allowed to update as requested the named Essential Caregiver of record within 2 business days of request.

8. Residents are allowed in-person visitation in all the following circumstances, unless the resident, client, or patient objects:

      a) End-of-life situations.

b) A resident, client, or patient who was living with family before being admitted to the provider’s care is struggling with the change in environment and lack of in person family support.

c) The resident, client, or patient is making one or more major medical decisions.

d) A resident, client, or patient is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a friend or family member who recently died.

e) A resident, client, or patient needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a family member or caregiver.

f) A resident, client, or patient who used to talk and interact with others is seldom speaking.

9. Maintain a visitor log for signing in and out.

10. No more than one essential caregiver visitor may be designated per resident.

11. The policy need NOT prohibit essential caregiver visitor visits, if the specific resident to be visited is quarantined, tested positive, or showing symptoms of a communicable disease. Visits in these circumstances will likely require a higher level of PPE than standard surgical masks. The general visitation requirement that the facility has no new facility-onset cases of a communicable disease (for example COVID-19) is not applicable to visitation by essential caregiver visitors.


(Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp.)

FACILITY NAME: Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp.

SECTION: ____________________________

POLICY: In-Person Visitation Policy

EXHIBIT: A) Florida Law Chapter 2022-34 Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No.988


C) Essential Caregiver Acceptance Form

Adoption Date: _______4/6/2022_____________ ______________________________________________________________________________

12. Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp is not required to provide for “facility-provided” COVID-19 testing if, and only if, it is based on the most recent CDC and FDA guidance. The cost of this testing cannot be passed on to the visitor.

13. Essential caregiver visitors must wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) per facility’s Infection Control Policies. The PPE required must be consistent with the most recent CDC guidance for healthcare workers. At Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp. the essential caregiver visitors shall wear the same PPE that staff wear to provide care or services to the resident.

14. Any changes to Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp. essential caregiver visitor policies must be promptly communicated to affected residents and essential caregiver visitors.


II. To facilitate visits by Essential caregiver visitors upon a request from a resident or friend/family member:

1. The resident (or their representative) will read and sign the policy and procedures. The acknowledgement of the signature represents that the essential caregiver visitor will abide by the policies set forth in this document.

2. The essential caregiver visitor will complete training on Therapeutic Assisted Living infection prevention and control including the use of PPE, use of masks, hand sanitation, and social distancing.

3. The essential caregiver visitor must immediately inform the facility if they develop symptoms consistent with a communicable disease within 24-hours of their last visit at the facility.

4. Essential caregiver visits may take place in the resident’s room, or a designated area determined by Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp at the time the visitation scheduled is developed and agreed upon.


III. When an essential caregiver visitor is scheduled to visit, the facility will:

  1. Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp will thoroughly screen the visitor per the facility’s infection control policy and procedure and document the name of the individual, the date and time of entry, and the screening mechanism used, along with the screening employee’s name and signature. Just as with staff entering the building, if the visitor fails the screening, the visitor CANNOT be allowed entry.

  2. Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp will ensure that the required consents, and training and policy acknowledgements are in place.

  3. Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp will ensure that the caregiver visitor has appropriate PPE if applicable.

  4. Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp will require the essential caregiver visitor to sign in and out on the visitor log.

  5. Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp will monitor the essential caregiver visitor’s adherence to policies and procedures.

  6. If the essential caregiver visitor fails to follow the facility’s infection prevention and control requirements, after attempts to mitigate concerns, Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp shall restrict or revoke visitation.


  1. (Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp)

  2. FACILITY NAME: Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp.

  3. SECTION: ____________________________

  4. POLICY: In-Person Visitation Policy

  5. EXHIBIT: A) Florida Law Chapter 2022-34 Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No.988

  6. B) Resident Essential Caregiver Designation Form

  7. C) Essential Caregiver Acceptance Form

  8. Adoption Date: _____4/6/2022_______________ _


7. In the event the essential caregiver visitor’s status is revoked due to the individual not following the facility’s policy and procedures, the resident may select a different essential caregiver visitor who will be granted visitation rights upon proper vetting and agreeing to Therapeutic Assisted Living policies and procedures.



Exhibit A:

CHAPTER 2022-34

Committee Substitute for Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No. 988


An act relating to in-person visitation; providing a short title; creating s. 408.823, F.S.; providing applicability; requiring certain providers to establish visitation policies and procedures within a specified timeframe; providing requirements for such policies and procedures; authorizing the resident, client, or patient to designate an essential caregiver; establishing requirements related to essential caregivers; requiring in-person visitation in certain circumstances; providing that the policies and procedures may require visitors to agree in writing to follow such policies and procedures; authorizing providers to suspend in-person visitation of specific visitors under certain circumstances; requiring providers to provide their policies and procedures to the Agency for Health Care Administration at specified times; requiring providers to make their policies and procedures available to the agency for review at any time, upon request; requiring providers to make their policies and procedures easily accessible from the homepage of their websites within a specified timeframe; requiring the agency to dedicate a stand-alone page on its website for specified purposes; providing a directive to the Division of Law Revision; providing an effective date.


Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


Section 1. This act may be cited as the “No Patient Left Alone Act.”


Section 2. Section 408.823, Florida Statutes, is created to read:


408.823 In-person visitation.—


(1) This section applies to developmental disabilities centers as defined in s. 393.063, hospitals licensed under chapter 395, nursing home facilities licensed under part II of chapter 400, hospice facilities licensed under part IV of chapter 400, intermediate care facilities for the developmentally disabled licensed and certified under part VIII of chapter 400, and assisted living facilities licensed under part I of chapter 429.


(2)(a) No later than 30 days after the effective date of this act, each provider shall establish visitation policies and procedures. The policies and procedures must, at a minimum, include infection control and education policies for visitors; screening, personal protective equipment, and other infection control protocols for visitors; permissible length of visits and numbers of visitors, which must meet or exceed the standards in ss. 400.022(1)(b) and 429.28(1)(d), as applicable; and designation of a person responsible for ensuring that staff adhere to the policies and procedures. Safety-related policies and procedures may not be more stringent than those established for the provider’s staff and may not require visitors to submit proof of any vaccination or immunization. The policies and procedures must allow consensual physical contact between a resident, client, or patient and the visitor.


1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.




Exhibit A:


(b) A resident, client, or patient may designate a visitor who is a family member, friend, guardian, or other individual as an essential caregiver. The provider must allow in-person visitation by the essential caregiver for at least 2 hours daily in addition to any other visitation authorized by the provider. This section does not require an essential caregiver to provide necessary care to a resident, client, or patient of a provider, and providers may not require an essential caregiver to provide such care.


(c) The visitation policies and procedures required by this section must allow in-person visitation in all of the following circumstances, unless the resident, client, or patient objects:


1. End-of-life situations.

2. A resident, client, or patient who was living with family before being admitted to the provider’s care is struggling with the change in environment and lack of in-person family support.

3. The resident, client, or patient is making one or more major medical decisions.

4. A resident, client, or patient is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a friend or family member who recently died.

5. A resident, client, or patient needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a family member or caregiver.

6. A resident, client, or patient who used to talk and interact with others is seldom speaking.

7. For hospitals, childbirth, including labor and delivery.

8. Pediatric patients.


(d) The policies and procedures may require a visitor to agree in writing to follow the provider’s policies and procedures. A provider may suspend inperson visitation of a specific visitor if the visitor violates the provider’s policies and procedures.


(e) The providers shall provide their visitation policies and procedures to the agency when applying for initial licensure, licensure renewal, or change of ownership. The provider must make the visitation policies and procedures available to the agency for review at any time, upon request.


(f) Within 24 hours after establishing the policies and procedures required under this section, providers must make such policies and procedures easily accessible from the homepage of their websites. Ch. 2022-34 LAWS OF FLORIDA Ch. 2022-34 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


(3) The agency shall dedicate a stand-alone page on its website to explain the visitation requirements of this section and provide a link to the agency’s webpage to report complaints.


Section 3. The Division of Law Revision is directed to replace the phrase “30 days after the effective date of this act” wherever it occurs in this act with the date 30 days after this act becomes a law.


Section 4. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.


Approved by the Governor April 6, 2022. Filed in Office Secretary of State April 6, 2022





Exhibit: B


Essential Caregivers Designation



I, (Resident) designate (caregiver) as essential caregiver for (Resident). In making this designation, I consent and understand that:

• Visits by essential caregivers are subject to Name of Facility’s policies and procedures and ability to screen visitors and monitor visits.

• All essential caregiver visits may be scheduled, based on current facility conditions and are at will be set for a minimum of 2 hours daily.

• Limited to one visitor at a time, and are limited to designated areas only. (Please speak with the Administrator regarding possible exceptions for end-of-life situations)

• (Resident) has the ability to object to a visit at any time, even under the following circumstances:

1. End-of-life situations.

2. A resident, client, or patient who was living with family before being admitted to the provider’s care is struggling with the change in environment and lack of in-person family support.

3. The resident, client, or patient is making one or more major medical decisions.

4. A resident, client, or patient is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a friend or family member who recently died.

5. A resident, client, or patient needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a family member or caregiver.

6. A resident, client, or patient who used to talk and interact with others is seldom speaking.

• Essential caregivers will need to follow the facility’s infection control and education policies and procedures and agree to such. At no time will they be more stringent than those for staff and at no time require to submit proof of vaccination.

• Essential caregivers must sign an acknowledgement of completion of required trainings and adherence to infection prevention and control policies.

• Visits by a specific essential caregiver may be suspended for failure to follow infection prevention and control requirements or other related rules of Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp. At that time the resident or resident’s representative can designate a new essential caregiver.



_________________________________ _____________________

Resident or Legal Representative Signature Date



_________________________________ _____________________

Resident or Legal Representative Printed Name Date



_________________________________ _____________________

Facility Representative Signature Date



_________________________________ Facility Representative Printed Name


Page | 1 Exhibit B: Essential Caregivers Acknowledgement

Exhibit C:

Essential Caregivers Acknowledgement



I, (caregiver) accept the designation as an essential caregiver for (resident) I understand that:

• My visits as an essential caregiver are subject to Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp infection control and education policies and procedures. I acknowledge receiving the policies and procedures and agree to abide by them at all times.

• My visits as an essential caregiver may be scheduled, and may be no less than two hours per day.

• Essential caregiver visits cannot occur if the resident personally objects/declines your visit no matter the circumstance per 408.823 of F.S.

“(c) The visitation policies and procedures required by this section must allow in-person visitation in all of the following circumstances, unless the resident, client, or patient objects:

1. End-of-life situations. 2. A resident, client, or patient who was living with family before being admitted to the provider’s care is struggling with the change in environment and lack of in-person family support. 3. The resident, client, or patient is making one or more major medical decisions. 4. A resident, client, or patient is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a friend or family member who recently died. 5. A resident, client, or patient needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a family member or caregiver. 6. A resident, client, or patient who used to talk and interact with others is seldom speaking. “

• When visiting as an essential caregiver, I will utilize personal protective equipment (PPE) as determined by facility policies and procedures related to current facility status and current medical condition of • I acknowledge having received training on infection prevention and control, use of PPE, use of masks, hand sanitation, and social distancing. I am satisfied with the training provided and do not have any questions regarding any of these topics.

• I acknowledge my obligation and agree to notify Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp if I experience symptoms of a respiratory infection, cough, fever, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, congestion or runny nose, sore throat, chills, headache, muscle pain, repeated shaking with chills, new loss of taste or smell, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, symptoms possibly related to a contagious infection, or if I test positive for COVID-19 within fourteen (14) days of a visit.

• Visits by essential caregivers may be restricted or revoked for failure to follow infection prevention and control procedures of Therapeutic Assisted Living Corp.



Designated Essential Caregiver Signature Date



Designated Essential Caregiver Printed Name




Facility Representative SignatureDate




Facility Representative Printed Name



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We’d love to hear from you! For answers to all your questions or to set up a visit, get in touch with us today.

25 Lyndenhurst Ln, Palm Coast, FL 32137, USA

(904) 501-8991


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(904) 501-8991

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